Cat 'lucky to survive' spin in 60C washing machine cycle

Bobby went for a spin in the washing machine and was 'lucky to survive'. Credit: PDSA/PA

A cat was "lucky to survive" after ending up going for a spin in a washing machine when its owner put it on a 60C cycle.

Bobby, the Bengal crossbreed, climbed into the machine for a sleep when Lisa Keefe decided to do some washing.

Ms Keefe said she immediately stopped the machine when she heard a loud thudding sound and found her beloved pet inside barely alive.

The nine-month-old cat was taken to Nottingham Pet Hospital on the verge of collapse and needed IV fluids to treat shock.

Vets said he was "very lucky" to have survived the ordeal.

Lisa Keefe said Bobby is now very wary of going near the washing machine. Credit: PDSA/PA

Vets said he was "very lucky" to have survived the ordeal.

Vet Tamsin Thomas said: "Bobby was on the verge of collapse as his body was soaked through and his temperature was dangerously low.

"We gently dried him out, kept him warm and gave him IV fluids to treat shock. We monitored him overnight, and within hours he had stabilised and was able to go home the next day.

"Bobby is very lucky. In my 15 years as a vet I've never seen a case like this and certainly never heard of a cat surviving a washing machine cycle."

Bobby, who has definitely lost one his nine lives, has now been nominated for a PDSA Pet Survivor award after the accident in June.