How to register your child for early years education in the Scottish Borders

Registration for nursery opens next weeek. Credit: PA Images

Parents of young children in the Scottish Borders can register their youngster for a place at nursery next week.

The district's council is running its enrollment week from January 17-21 for early learning and childcare for anyone born between March 1, 2018 and February 29, 2020.

Parents of children who will turn five-years-old between August 18, 2022 and February 28, 2023, who wish to apply to defer their child’s entry to P1 should also register their child for a place at this time.

Parents or carers should complete the online application form which will be available online from 17 January. 

They will need to have electronic copies of their child’s birth certificate and proof of address. After registering online they need to contact their local nursery to confirm the application has been made.

Councillor Carol Hamilton, executive member for children and young people at the Scottish Borders Council said: "The online process is one that was introduced as part of our response to the pandemic and we hope parents continue to find helpful and straightforward.

"I wish all our youngest learners all the very best as they take this important step, safe in the knowledge that every effort will be made to ensure it is a positive experience for both them and their families."

More information is available here or by contacting the council directly.