Southwell volunteer flood wardens practice road closures

Trainee wardens carrying traffic cones and signs through the town. Credit: ITV News Central

Volunteer wardens from the Southwell Flooding Forum have been practising road closure in case of another emergency flood in Nottinghamshire.

There are 20 flood flash points in the town, which is thought to be the highest in the whole country.

Southwell town was hit by severe flooding in 2007 and 2013.

Today, trainee wardens were manning signs throughout the town and being assessed on their understanding of the road closures.

They have received training from the council which included health and safety and risk assessments for each of the closure points.

Volunteers have all had detailed training from the council. Credit: ITV News Central

Nottinghamshire County Council have said if other communities want to set up similar forums they should contact their emergency planning team at County Hall.