Can't get no satisfaction? Perhaps your postcode is to blame

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Not happy with life? Then perhaps your postcode is to blame. A study of 56,000 Londoners suggests you should choose to live in an area of London that suits your personality.

The study shows how people with certain types of personality naturally navigate towards certain areas.

Researchers looked at the following:

  • Life satisfaction

  • Agreeableness (sympathetic, cooperative, friendly)

  • Conscientiousness

  • Emotional stability

  • Extraversion

  • Openness to experience

The maps are coloured from red (showing people who feel positive) to blue (people feeling negative). Among the key findings:

  • Least agreeable areas were found in western central London, an area that has the highest crime rate, busiest pedestrian traffic, and some of the highest housing prices in the capital.

  • Researchers found higher levels of life satisfaction in the most affluent regions of London and pockets of low life satisfaction in northwest, northeast, and south London.

LIFE SATISFACTION (see the image in full here)

Red areas have high levels of satisfaction, blue levels are less satisfied Credit: University of Cambridge

AGREEABLENESS (friendly, sympathetic) (see the image in full here)

Red areas are seen as friendly, blue areas unfriendly Credit: University of Cambridge

CONSCIENTIOUSNESS (see image in full here)

Red areas have more conscientious people, blue areas have fewer conscientious people Credit: University of Cambridge

EMOTIONAL STABILITY (see image in full here)

Red areas have more emotionally stable people, blue areas have fewer emotionally stable people Credit: University of Cambridge

EXTRAVERSION (see image in full here)

Red areas have higher levels of extraversion, blue have lower levels Credit: University of Cambridge

OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE (see image in full here)

Residents in red areas welcome new experiences, residents in blue areas are more set in their ways Credit: University of Cambridge