Lissie Harper: Harper's Law came about through 'journey of devastation'

Video report by ITV News Meridian's Charlotte Briere-Edney

The wife of Pc Andrew Harper says her campaign, which would see a life sentence for killers of emergency service workers, came about through a "journey of devastation".

Lissie Harper is pushing for Harper's Law, which could see all criminals convicted of killing emergency service workers receive a life sentence.

Speaking to ITV News Meridian, she said: "Harper's Law for me came about through a journey of devastation and realising that our emergency services don't get the protection that they need; and if something should happen to them, justice isn't automatically there. It just feels so wrong to me."

Pc Harper was killed while responding to an attempted burglary in Sulhamstead in August 2019.

Henry Long (19), Albert Bowers (18) and Jessie Cole (18), were jailed for manslaughter.

Getaway driver Long received a 16 year sentence, while Bowers and Cole were handed a 13 year jail sentence.

Lissie Harper has launched a campaign to jail for life those who kill police officers or other emergency workers Credit: Martis Media/PA

An online petition for a law change has almost reached its target of 500,000 signatures.

The campaign has secured the backing of some high-profile MPs, including former Police Minister Sir Mike Penning, Giles Watling and Philip Davies and Lissie said she is determined to secure more support from across the House of Commons.

The Home Office says it has now contacted Lissie Harper to arrange a meeting in September with Home Secreyary Priti Patel in Westminster to discuss plans for Harper's Law.