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I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here 2023 - FAQ's

I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here 2023 Vote

Frequently Asked Questions

Where we refer to ‘IACGMOOH’ in these FAQS, this stands for ‘I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’.


1. Why do I get asked my age when I download the app/when I register to vote?

You are asked your age so we can provide appropriate promotional material. This won't affect your ability to vote via the app.


1. How can I vote via the IACGMOOH app?

To vote via the app, download the current version of the app available from the App Store or Google Play Store. The app is compatible with iOS 14+ and Android 8. Downloading the app is free (but data charges may apply).

You can vote by going to the 'Vote' tab in the app and tapping the Vote Now button, which will then take you to the ITV Vote website. Or type itv.com/vote in a web browser. For the best experience we advise doing this on your mobile phone but you can also use a tablet or computer.

The first time you want to place a vote, you will need to verify your mobile number. To do this, click/tap ‘verify your mobile’ and enter your UK mobile number. You will be sent a free text message containing a passcode, you will need to enter the passcode on the website. When a vote is open it will automatically appear on the website or via the app.

2. Can I vote using a screen reader?

Yes you can if voting using a tablet or computer (as opposed to a mobile device). In order to vote, go straight to the voting website at itv.com/vote.

3. I haven’t received my passcode?

Please ensure you have typed your UK mobile number in correctly. It may take a few minutes to receive your passcode. Your passcode comes as a free text message so check you have a good network signal.

4.  I can’t see any votes / I have votes but cannot cast them. Why?

There are 5 main reasons why you may be unable to cast your vote:

a. The vote is closed. Full details of when you may cast your vote will be announced in-show. You will only be able to vote whilst the voting period is open. It is not possible to cast your vote at any other time.

b. You do not have a strong enough wifi or 3G/4G/5G signal. You will need a strong, constant wifi or 3G/4G/5G signal to go through the voting process, otherwise you may experience error messages. We don’t recommend voting whilst on the move as your signal strength may vary.

c. There has been a technical error. In the unlikely case that a technical error occurs then an information message should appear on the vote website. If there is no obvious reason for the error, email itvihelp@itv.com.

d. You have used up your votes. Each device will receive either 1 or 5 votes per voting event (this is indicated in the Programme). If, for example, you cast all five votes after voting opens, you will not be able to cast another vote for that same voting event.

e. There is a high demand on the website. At the start of a vote, lots of people will be trying to vote at once so you may get an error message such as ‘Vote error - Due to high demand, your vote could not be processed at this time. Please wait a few seconds and try again.' Please wait a moment and try voting again. Note that this is a general message and it is impossible for app votes for different celebrities to be treated differently.

5. How many free votes will I get?

Each mobile number that you log in with will receive one or five votes per voting event (this is indicated in the programme). A voting event is classed as one complete vote. After you have cast your first vote you may see a short advert, then you will be asked to tap your screen when prompted. You will then receive a further four votes, giving you a total of five votes.

6. Can I use my votes in other programmes?

No. Votes can only be used for the 2023 series of I’m a Celebrity. 

7. Can I ‘rollover’ votes during the series?

No. You can only use votes for that particular voting event. Votes for a new voting event will appear in your app the next time voting opens.

8. Can I move my votes between devices/onto a new device?

Some voting events will allow you 5 votes per mobile number. You may log in to the ITV vote website using the same mobile number on any device and use any remaining votes. 

9. Why are vote images and text display distorted or misshapen on my mobile device?

You may need to adjust your font size or screen size.

a. To adjust this on Android, go to Settings > Display > Font and screen zoom, and lower the screen zoom and font size. This will allow more of the images and text to be displayed on screen.

b. To adjust this on iOS, click on the ‘AA’ symbol, which should appear in the URL address bar. Lower the screen zoom by tapping on the smaller A on the left hand side.


1. What are Mobile Short Dial Codes (MSDCs)?

Mobile Short Dial Codes (MSDCs) (also known as Voice Short Codes) are shorter than a normal telephone number, typically between 5 and 7 digits long. MSDCs are numbers to call (not text) from UK mobile phones where callers are charged a guaranteed fixed price for the call regardless of their UK mobile network provider. ITV is asking UK mobile users to vote via their mobile by dialling the MSDC promoted in IACGMOOH. UK mobile users will be charged a fixed cost of 50p per vote, 15p from each vote will go to the Britain Get Talking charity partners.

2. Why is ITV using MSDCs?

MSDCs were introduced in our voting shows to help our viewers better understand the costs involved with voting.

When calling premium rate ‘09’ numbers from mobiles, calls usually cost considerably more than if calling from a landline and the cost can vary from mobile network to network. MSDCs were introduced to enable viewers to vote from mobiles for the same cost as voting from a UK landline to the 09 services.

Ofcom changed the way UK calls to 09 were charged from 1st July 2015 and calls to 09 numbers from landlines and mobiles now consist of the service charge (the 50p charge to vote, as promoted in the IACGMOOH shows and on the websites) and an access charge which is the charge your telephone network operator makes to enable you to access the service.

Access charges are generally higher from mobile network operators, than landline network operators; therefore it is still cheaper for voters calling from mobile phones to vote via the MSDCs. To find out the access charge your network operator makes, we suggest you visit their website or contact your network operator. The network operators set their own access charges and no revenues are received by ITV for this charge.

More information about the Ofcom pricing changes can be found here.

3. How do I vote by MSDC?

It is very simple. When the vote is open, simply dial the short number shown on screen for your chosen Celebrity using your UK mobile phone. There is one 7 digit MSDC allocated to each Celebrity. Please make sure you check the numbers promoted in-show and dial carefully to make sure you are voting for your chosen Celebrity. If you call while the vote is open you will hear a message confirming your vote. If you try to call when the vote is closed you will hear a non-chargeable message informing you that the vote is closed.

4. Can I vote by SMS/texting the MSDC?

No. You can’t text/SMS to the Mobile Short Dial Code number so please make sure you dial carefully. If you try to text the MSDC, this will not work and your vote will not be counted.

5. Why can’t I vote by text?

We can’t include text voting on IACGMOOH because there is the risk of potential delays within the mobile text networks at busy times and this could result in text votes not being received within the period when the vote is open and so they would not be counted but you would still be charged.

6. How is voting by MSDC different to text?

With text/SMS, there could be network delays and you do not always know if your vote has been counted but you may still be charged even if your vote arrives too late to be counted.

A phone call to a Mobile Short Dial Code works like a phone call to a ‘09’ premium rate number. The advantage of using Mobile Short Dial Code telephone calls for voting rather than text voting is that you know at the time of the call that your vote has been counted and that you have been charged for your vote.

This means that if the exchange is busy (for example because of a high volume of calls) you will hear an engaged tone so you will know you have not got through and your vote has not counted. If this happens to you, we recommend waiting a moment and then trying again.

Also, unlike text, you should not be charged if you try to call a Mobile Short Dial Code outside of the vote open period, or make a call to a MSDC which is no longer in use.

7. What does “plus any network access charge” mean?

From July 2015, OFCOM introduced “UK Calling” which is designed to make call costs clearer for UK consumers. Call charges to “09” numbers are now in two parts: the service charge (the charge advertised on screen) and the Network Access Charge which is the operator charge. Each network operator has set their own access charge. This Network Access Charge applies to the 09 numbers but not the MSDC numbers. We advise viewers to contact their UK mobile network operator if they require more information on their charging rates.

8. How much will it cost to vote on IACGMOOH by Mobile Short Dial Code?

Voting on IACGMOOH via a Mobile Short Dial Code from UK mobile networks will cost 50p per vote, 15p of which will be donated to our Britain Get Talking charity partners.

a. Will I be charged if I try to vote using a MSDC when the vote is closed?

Calls outside the vote open period and those made to any of IACGMOOH vote numbers not currently in use should not be charged.

9. Why can’t I vote by Mobile Short Dial Codes from the Channel Islands and Isle of Man? 

The Channel Islands and Isle of Man are covered by separate mobile network operators who do not currently support voting by MSDCs. Viewers in these regions will still be able to vote as they have done in previous shows by dialling the ‘09’ numbers for IACGMOOH Celebrities from their landlines or mobile phones.

10. Why can’t I vote by Mobile Short Dial Codes from outside the UK? 

The MSDCs are provided by the UK mobile network operators (Vodafone, O2, Everything Everywhere (previously T Mobile and Orange), Virgin and ‘3’) and are only accessible via these operators. It is also unlikely that calls can be made to MSDCs from UK mobiles when these are outside of the UK, as this would be subject to mobile network operator international roaming arrangements with foreign network operators and calls to MSDCs are unlikely to be possible under such roaming arrangements. Please check with your network operator.

11. Can I call a Mobile Short Dial Code from my landline?

No. Mobile Short Dial Code voting is only available from mobile phones. If you try to call a Mobile Short Dial Code from your landline you will not be connected to the voting service and your vote will not be counted. In a very small number of cases, the landline network operator may route the call to a local destination as it may match a “local” telephone number which may result in a ‘wrong number’ call being made. Such calls would be chargeable if they are answered.

12. Can I still call the ‘09’ numbers from my mobile?

Yes, you can still call ‘09’ numbers from your mobile but it is likely to cost you more than if you are calling from a landline. 09 calls are charged at 50p plus your network access charge, 15p of which will be donated to our Britain Get Talking charity partners. The access charge from mobile network operators is generally higher than that charged by landline network operators. If you want to call the ‘09’ voting numbers then we recommend calling from your landline if you have one. If you decide to call the ‘09’ voting numbers from your UK mobile phone then you will hear a non-chargeable message at the start of the call asking you to call the Mobile Short Dial Codes instead. If you remain on the line after the message then you will be able to vote for your chosen Celebrity, when the vote is open, but your UK mobile network operator will charge you the 50p vote cost plus your network access charge, 15p of which will be donated to our Britain Get Talking charity partners. Details of your provider’s network access charge should be detailed on their website.

13. Will I receive ‘spam’ / unwanted marketing texts if I vote by Mobile Short Dial Code?

No, you should not receive any text messages from ITV or any other organisation as a result of voting using the MSDCs. ITV does not sell-on mobile telephone numbers to any third party. Text spamming is caused by companies sending unsolicited text messages to mobile telephone numbers. ITV in no way supports this practice and takes great care to guard numbers from any unauthorised use. If you receive unwanted text messages from other companies that you are being charged for, you can contact Phone-paid Services Authority, the premium services regulator on freephone 0300 30 300 20 between 9.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) or via www.psauthority.org.uk to report this.

14. Why can’t I call the MSDC number from my “Voice over IP” (VOIP) connection?

Not all UK telephone network operators, including some VOIP operators, allow voting by traditional premium rate 09 numbers. The new MSDC numbers are intended only for voting via the UK mobile network operators and so will almost certainly not be supported by the fixed line and VoIP network operators.

15. Why isn’t it working when I try to call the MSDC number from my mobile?

There are a small number of UK mobile phone users who are unable to call MSDCs. It may be that there is a calling bar in place for premium rate services so we recommend checking with your mobile network operator to see if you can lift the calling bar. If you still cannot get through via the MSDC number then you can still vote by calling the 09 voting numbers using a landline.


1. Why have I been charged more than 50p?

From July 2015, OFCOM introduced “UK Calling” which is designed to make call costs clearer for consumers. Call charges to “09” numbers are now in two parts: the service charge (the charge advertised on screen) and the Network Access Charge which is the operator charge. Each network operator has set their own access charge. Please check charges with your network operator.

If you are using a mobile phone, we suggest you call the Mobile Short Dial Code, this will charge a flat fee of 50p, 15p of which will be donated to our Britain Get Talking charity partners.

2. Why have I been charged outside the vote window?

We state clearly on screen and verbalise when the voting period opens and closes; callers should vote during these periods only. There is a small chance that if you called outside this time that your network would charge for this call. If you have been charged, then notify your service provider immediately

3. I was trying to call for one Celebrity and heard a different Celebrity’s message.

ITV has implemented a thorough testing schedule before each show to ensure correct audio is playing on the correct Celebrity line. Please dial carefully when voting to make sure you are voting for your chosen Celebrity.

4. I have been trying to vote, but keep getting the engaged tone

Phone lines are very active throughout the UK when the vote window opens, some callers may experience the engaged tone - especially in rural/remote areas. We recommend that you call back within a couple of minutes when the traffic through your local exchange would have subsided. Engaged tones are controlled at local telephone exchange and something that ITV cannot control.

5. I called but received a dead tone

If you hear a dead tone after dialling or trying to dial the premium rate number, then this means that you are premium rate barred and you should check with your network operator about lifting the bar if you wish to vote.

6. I tried voting but couldn’t get through, why?

Given the high volume of viewers and callers that some TV voting shows generate, it is possible for a large number of people to pick up the phone simultaneously when the onscreen announcement is made. Sometimes this can cause some callers to get an engaged tone for short periods of time immediately after an onscreen announcement; however, any congestion tends to clear quite quickly.

7. Can one Celebrity’s number be constantly engaged and another Celebrity’s free?

Like all the big shows, we use a voting system where at least the first eight digits of the phone numbers and the first 5 digits of the MSDC are the same for all Celebrities, with only the last two digits of the phone number changing depending on who you want to vote for.

As the telephone network only uses the first eight digits in a telephone number and first 5 digits for the MSDC number to route calls to the voting system, it is impossible for calls for different Celebrities to be treated differently. Once calls reach the voting system they are answered in turn, on a first-come, first-served basis. Each answering point is instructed to accept votes for all Celebrities; there are no dedicated answering points for individual Celebrities/acts.

My question isn’t answered here, where can I get further assistance?

If your question is about voting, you can email Interactive Support at itvihelp@itv.com.

If your query is not about voting, please contact ITV Customer & Viewer Services here.

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